Have you been on one of our Art Runs yet? If not and you’re in Glasgow for the 2014 Commonwealth Games, now’s your chance! In partnership with Architecture and Design Scotland, we’re doing a LegASee Run (Legacy, see?), leading you on a guided running tour of key Games sites in the east side of the city.
There’ll be brief stops along the route, where we’ll feed you fascinating facts about the art, architecture, history and culture of the area. We’ll also chat to you about the legacy of the Games, the greenest ever, taking in the sustainability, temporary structures, art projects and enduring positive impact of the Games. All on foot and in neon brights 🙂
The route has been carefully mapped to give you as much fun and info as possible (we cycled it in the pouring rain, just to get it right for you!) All we need now is for you to come and join us! The run is on Saturday 2nd August and is led by trained UKA/SA Run and Jog Leaders.
Places are strictly limited. Register now for a unique, entertaining and active Saturday morning and a great goody bag! – LegASee Run Eventbrite
Note: The route is just under 7km so not too demanding – it’s a guided run, not a race. If you can do Parkrun or Race for Life, you can do this. More experienced runners love these runs too; they’re a great way to see your running world in a new light! Any questions? Email us – hello@veggierunners.com
Photo courtesy of Warren Media