If you’re not veggie already, these Vegan Porcini and Brazil Nut Burgers could help make this a lifetime habit! Whether you’re a vegetarian, flexitarian, plant-powered athlete, or just giving Meatless Monday a go, these burgers will be a welcome addition to your repertoire. All of our recipes are created for people with active lifestyles and…
Maple and Pecan Protein Balls
If you train hard you need protein to repair your muscles, right? If you’ve trained really hard, you probably want that protein to taste a little bit special. Delicious is a word often over-used by food bloggers, ourselves included, but really, these Maple and Pecan Protein Balls are the bees knees. (Question: do bees even have…
Vegan Risotto Cakes
We Veggie Runners are full of the Blitz spirit. We’re all about make do and mend, waste not, want not and putting a few stitches in our lucky race knickers so we don’t have to buy new ones. We’re the same with food. Why make one meal when you can stretch it out to two,…
Arroz Verde (Green Rice)
Image: Scott Jones / MothershipUK Ordinary rice seems so plain and boring once you’ve tasted this. It’s very simple to make but packs a real punch of flavour. This is a great carbohydrate staple for runners and, although it’s originally a Mexican dish, don’t reserve it only for eating with your chilli non carne. It…
Asparagus, Lemon and Chervil Risotto
Carb loading can get a little dreary if you’re not careful. Pasta, then maybe some more pasta, anyone? Lots of people find pasta rather bloat-making (we’re not going to talk about what happens after that but you know where we’re coming from). Plus there are soooooo many other exciting foods to eat, why would you…
Spiced Rice Pudding
I love rice pudding but often find it sweet and cloying, altogether too reminiscent of school dinners for my liking. This one satisfies my need for a rich dessert without being sickly – the recipe doesn’t use much sugar, with most of its sweetness coming from the raisins. We sometimes forget about desserts when we’re…
Nasi Goreng
My friend Mollie first introduced me to this Malaysian breakfast dish. I was instantly hooked – it’s convenient if you have leftover rice, uses up the veg in the bottom of the fridge drawer and most importantly is ridiculously tasty . Some people make a little one-or-two egg omelette at first, remove it from…